Komin í skýið - hvað svo?

Nú er komið að öðrum morgunverðarfundi af þremur í viðburðaröð Origo um öryggismál í upplýsingatækni. Að þessu sinni verður meðal annars rætt um rekstraröryggi, gagnaöryggi og mikilvægi aðgangsstýringa í skýinu.  

Hvammur Grand Hóteli Reykjavík

Þrír reynslumiklir sérfræðingar halda erindi

  • 08:45 Morgunverður

  • Fundarstjóri: Örn Þór Alfreðsson, framkvæmdastjóri Þjónustulausna Origo

  • Öryggi, auðkenni og reglufylgni
    Halldór Jörgensson, Global Partner Development Manager at AWS
    Í erindinu verður farið yfir innviði og þjónustur sem auka öryggi í skýinu.

  • Cloud Security - Securing your network
    Niklas Jörding, Zero Trust & SASE Specialist at Cloudflare
    In a Cloud environment, how do you secure your network the way you have traditionally done with hardware appliances? How do you design your network to ensure or enhance the security posture, scalability and performance?

  • Secure and protect your Multicloud Environment
    Jesper Frisgaard Mortensen, Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft
    The presentation will touch on the Cyberthreat landscape and the commonly used attack chain. We will then look at the challenges most organizations are facing with an expanding attack surface due to the increased use of hybrid and cloud-native services used to develop, deploy, and manage applications. We will discuss ways to secure a Multicloud environment by strengthening the cloud security posture and protecting workloads against advanced threats. 


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